Cold Brew - whats the hype?

A trending summer drink prepared by steeping (soaking) coffee grounds in cold water for usually one whole day.


1) Similar health benefits related to a hot cup of coffee - decreased risk of T2DM; heart disease; neurodegenerative disorders i.e., Parkinson’s or alzheimers disease

2) High antioxidant, polyphenol and mineral content

3) Cold brew contains a higher concentration of caffeine due to the slower processing method - great for energy, performance and cognitive function, however… **not so great for those who are sensitive to caffeine and get the jitters or struggle to sleep at night!

4) Caffeine content is roughly 40-50mg higher in a cold brew than regular coffee

5) Cold brew saves you from added sugars and calories from milk or cream as it is less acidic and lighter in flavour

6) Less acidity means more tolerable for those who suffer from a sensitive stomach or heart burn


Cold Brew vs. Regular Iced Coffee

A cold brew vs. iced coffee (without cream/milk) has no calorific difference, however due to the acidity profile in cold brews being lighter and creamier naturally we are less likely to add high energy, fat and sugar options to balance the drink. If you’re someone who opts for an iced coffee with the “lot”, save yourself 400-500 calories, 40g sugar and 35g fat by opting for a cold brew instead of an iced coffee (with ice-cream/cream).


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