Pistachio Chia Oat Pudding


  • 1 cup rolled oats 

  • 2 tsp. chia seeds 

  • 2 tsp. hemp seeds or LSA 

  • 1 tbsp. homemade pistachio butter (see note) 

  • 1 tbsp. no added sugar maple syrup/honey 

  • 1 cup light soy milk (or any milk you preference)


1) In a bowl or blender, add oats, chia, hemp/LSA, pistachio butter, milk & maple/honey – blend or mix well to a consistency of your preference. 

2) Spoon out into two mason jars or a container 

3) Top with protein plain or vanilla yoghurt/light ricotta cheese 

3) Leave overnight or for at least 4-hours before serving 

4) See below serving suggestion – enjoy! 

To Serve: 

1 serve of pudding with plain/vanilla protein yoghurt + chopped pistachio nuts and low sugar craisins sprinkled on top. 

To make pistachio butter: 

  • ½ cup pistachio nuts (dry roasted is best!) 

  • Pinch of salt 

  • 1 tbsp. tahini oil (I used the oil on the top of a tahini butter jar) OR any nut oil will do 

  • 1 tbsp. no added sugar maple syrup/honey 

  • 1 tsp. vanilla essence 

Blend all ingredients until smooth consistency. 


Hummus Plate


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